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The 66th meeting of the Clinical Diabetes Support Network


At the 66th meeting of the Clinical Diabetes Support Network, I talked to doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and care workers about β-cell dedifferentiation as a new mechanism of pancreatic β-cell failure. Thank you, Takuma. Kyorin University's Inokashira campus was wonderful, whose model is Gordon Auditorium of Harvard Medical School in the Longwood area. It took a long time to get to the bus stop at Kichijoji although this was my home town when I was a high school student.





夏ですね!顧問を務める軽音学部の部長から、夏合宿の企画書が来て、一気に学生時代に引き戻されました。みんな力一杯青春しろよ〜。 聞けば、部長のバンドは1st EP「1LDK」を各種サブスクリプションサービスよりリリース、You Tubeで配信中とのこと。皆さん、是非お試し下さい! ・ ・

Akasaka moon

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